The Crew

The Crew

Saturday, November 10, 2007

We have been put on the list

We are so excited to say that we have been put on the list! I know that we have another long journey ahead of us, but we will take that day by day. I just keep thinking about this mother who is pregnant carrying our child or has already given birth, and the decison that she will make. Being a mother of 3 I can't image having to make that decision. She must be a really heroic mother to do that. I know we sill have so long to wait, but the long to hold this little guy is so strong. We found out on Novermber 8, 2007 by e-mail that we have been on the list. Here is the e-mail:

Hi Jeff and Laura,

We did receive your CIS approval and check in the amount of $4790 for your dossier fee. I have placed you on the wait list as requesting a male child 12-18 months of age and open to Cleft Lip. I will be sending you a letter which states you are a waiting family and will include a travel guide for you to look through.

Congratulations for completing this step!!

Take care,

Angie Thorn

Friday, November 2, 2007

I-171H YEA!

It's Nov 2, and we received our I-71H. I am so excited that we can finally get placed on the wait list. We are soooo excited. The other neat thing is I got the I71H on my 30Th birthday. It has been a awesome day.


1st step of paperwork! The Approval!!!!