The Crew

The Crew

Monday, April 28, 2008

We got frustrating news

We got the bad news! We knew this was a possibility that Vietnam would close! It's seems so final. I was with my sister. I read the e-mail to her as I fought back the tears. I finally just cried. All she knew to say was I am sorry. It was a dagger in my heart. I have in visioned this sweet little boy in my head for months. I often image what it will be like to hold him for the first time, and to look into his sweet little eyes. I know that we will have our family complete when it is time. We are going to wait it out until closer to the Sept deadline then figure out what we will do. If we were to make a decision today it would be a hasty one based on anger and disappointment. With more knowledge we will be better informed and possibly feel whatever decision we make will be the right one. Here is the letter that our adoption agency sent out to give us the news. They really have been wonderful in keeping us informed.

Dear families,
We are aware that the below statement was posted to the US Embassy web site today. We can confirm that a letter was written by the DIA to the US embassy in response to a letter that was sent in February 2008 from the US Embassy to DIA. We are currently trying to obtain a copy of the letter or information directly from the DIA as to what the letter included. The DIA has also stated that they will be having a meeting with all US agencies soon (no date has been determined) to go over this new information.
We have also been told by DIA that the President of Vietnam will be coming to the US in June and one of the items they will be discussing will be the contents of a new agreement between the US and Vietnam.
We know that everyone is very worried about the current situation and anxious to know how this information is going to affect you specifically. Please know that we are doing our best to obtain information and we will share factual information with all of you as we receive it. Please know we are here to support you and realize what a difficult time this is for every Vietnam family. We ask that everyone continue to pray that the two governments will reach a new agreement as soon as possible for the sake of all the children in Vietnam that need homes.
Here is the link with the announcement:

With that being said here is a few things that have been in newspapers.

Associated Press published details of a U.S. Embassy report that outlined rampant abuses, including hospitals selling infants whose mothers could not pay their bills, brokers scouring villages for babies and a grandmother who gave away her grandchild without telling the child's mother.

Vietnam announced Monday it is halting all U.S. adoptions following allegations of baby-selling, corruption and fraud.In its nine-page report, the U.S. Embassy said some American adoption agencies paid orphanage officials as much as $10,000 per referral, while others took them on shopping sprees and junkets to the United States in return for a flow of babies.

Keep all those children in your prayers that are alone tonight. They are sweet little spirits that need Mommies and Daddies. They need to be loved as much as anyone else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.


1st step of paperwork! The Approval!!!!